Fondazione Palazzi
and Palazzi Community Center
Palazzi is a non-profit Community Center that fosters cultural integration within the city of Florence.

Cafaggio del Vescovo
The garden belonged to the Bishop of Florence in the 1200s, and was part of a larger property called the Cafaggio del Vescovo mentioned in historical documents as
“a beautiful garden with table grapes and fruit trees that was rented out…”
The building, on the other hand, was divided into two homes known as the “big house and the small house,” and was documented in the 1400s as the property of the Falcucci family.Since then, the palace and the garden have changed private ownership of various families throughout the centuries, hidden from the public until today.The garden today continues captivate with its citrus trees and herbs. Whether you’d like to join a wellness class, check out the spa, participate in an event, or enjoy a lunch/apertivo, you can always stop by Mon-Sat.
palazzi community center
The Palazzi Community Center (PCC) has the aim of promoting learning through cultural integration through experience learning through direct contact with the local territory and community. PCC is a sustainable center offering services and engagement activities to the Florentine community.
All proceeds are collected in scholarship funds
The foundation’s fundraising efforts support scholarships for 1, 2, and 4-year academic programs in collaboration with Florence University of the Arts – The American University of Florence.
All foundation activities are open to FUA-AUF students for extracurricular involvement and enrichment. Fedora meal services and Sorgiva treatments can be utilized through FUA-AUF student unit plans.


Fedora School Pastry Shop
Fedora è il laboratorio didattico creativo di pasticceria di Apicius International School of Hospitality aperto alla città.
Lun – Sab 8:30- 21:30
Pranzo (12:00 – 15:00) | Aperitivo (18:00 – 21:00)

Sorgiva Spa & Wellness Lab
Sorgiva è il laboratorio didattico creativo di welness di Apicius International School of Hospitality aperto alla città.
Mar – Sab 11:00 – 18:30
Solo su appuntamento

Dimora FUA-AUF Guest Apartments
Dimora è il laboratorio didattico creativo di hospitality di Apicius International School of Hospitality.
Our initiatives
The Palazzi Foundation’s initiatives integrate new services for the Florentine community such as after-school programs for children, culinary and wine lessons, art activities, yoga, pilates, Florentine city walks, wellness services at the Sorgiva spa, and much more.